Are your products legal where I live?

Without even knowing where you live, I can say that if you live in the United States, then yes. Back in 2018, the Federal Farm Bill legalized a new cross-section of hemp-based products. As we wait for direction from the State of Minnesota on the regulatory framework of the marijuana products they recently legalized, all products on this site currently comply with all state and federal laws.


When will you have any of the products Minnesota recently legalized?

This site and this new law are each works in progress. We won’t sell anything here until our lawyers are confident that we have the proper legal footing to do so. Once we do, if we have to geofence to prevent sales to states where Minnesota products are not legal to sell, we will do that. But for now, the products we sell are legal in all 50 states.


So, I can buy these products even though I live in a state where recreational marijuana isn’t legal yet?

Short answer, Yes. Longer answer, Y E S.


How quick do you ship?

Our mailroom is staffed by some of the finest product expediters known to customer service. Our goal is to turn orders around and get them

out the door the same day, but with the holidays coming and some recent national publicity for this site, there is an outside chance it will take two days for your product to ship. Once its our the door, its up to the USPS to decide how long it might take.


Is expedited shipping available?

We get it, you need your product NOW! Well, we can’t deliver quite that quick, but expedited shipping is available. Just let us know when you need it, and we will try and find a way to make it happen. .


Will your packaging attract attention/porch pirates?

While our products are all exciting and fun, we go out of our way to make sure the packaging they come in are the exact opposite. We don’t use hokey pot leaf mailing labels or shiny green boxes. When your mail delivery person or neighborhood porch pirate sees our package, they won’t know if you’re getting adult diapers or stuff from us.